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A comprehensive 30-day challenge to master R programming, data analysis, and visualization, tailored for real-world scientific applications.


00:00:00 Hours

Last updated Thu, 11-Jul-2024

50 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English
A comprehensive 30-day challenge to master R programming, data analysis, and visualization, tailored for real-world scientific applications.
  • Navigate and Utilize RStudio: Confidently use RStudio for writing, executing, and managing R scripts and projects.
  • Understand and Manipulate Data Structures: Identify and work with various data structures in R, including vectors, matrices, lists, and data frames.
  • Import and Export Data: Efficiently read data from and write data to different file formats such as CSV, TXT, and Excel using R.
  • and more...

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(0 Reviews)


A comprehensive 30-day challenge to master R programming, data analysis, and visualization, tailored for real-world scientific applications.


00:00:00 Hours

Last updated Thu, 11-Jul-2024

50 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English
A comprehensive 30-day challenge to master R programming, data analysis, and visualization, tailored for real-world scientific applications.
  • Navigate and Utilize RStudio: Confidently use RStudio for writing, executing, and managing R scripts and projects.
  • Understand and Manipulate Data Structures: Identify and work with various data structures in R, including vectors, matrices, lists, and data frames.
  • Import and Export Data: Efficiently read data from and write data to different file formats such as CSV, TXT, and Excel using R.
  • and more...